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SM Contact regularly passes external ISO audit to verify quality, safety, and efficiency of our production processes.
SM Contact会不断监测其 压接带 和 拼针 材料的RoHS和REACH标准。我们会关注有毒的电子废料、化学物质的使用 以及它们对环境的潜在影响。
下载SM Contact产品符合REACH的常规证明及其它的责任报告:
如果您知道SM Contact压接带或拼针的编号,请下载以下感兴趣产品的REACH和RoHS合规证明(请关注化学物质(SVHCs)候选清单 – 2024年11月27日更新,包含242种化学物质(+1)):
The Extended Minerals Reporting Template (EMRT) is a free, standardized template developed by the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) that facilitates the exchange of cobalt and mica supply chain data.
The EMRT is the result of a consolidation of the Cobalt Reporting Template (CRT) and Mica Reporting Template (MRT).
The Slavery and Trafficking Risk Template (STRT) is an open-source industry standard survey used to collect human trafficking and slavery data from the supply chain. It helps companies meet modern environmental, social, and governance (ESG) targets, and show year-over-year progress in their disclosures.