

AUTO PIERCING technology for magnet wire: SM Contact starts production of P-type splice band


Auto piercing by splice crimping is a cost-effective alternative to IDC terminals, soldering and spot welding in magnet wire applications. SM Contact launches production of splice band for piercing of enameled wires – P-type splice band, in addition to the standard one.

Magnet-piercing splice band is leveraged in connecting power/signal and magnet wires (coils) in electric motors, e-mobility (EV charging stations) and household appliances. It enables one-step reliable gas-tight connectivity between standard power wire and insulated magnet wire. Auto piercing technology offers advantages of a low cost and fast cycle time.

Advantages of auto piercing technology:

1 – Repeatability:
stable quality with the mechanical process and control of the splice band shape => stable electrical connection without component damage risk.

2 – Reduced cycle time:
by eliminating soldering and stripping operations (0.3 sec).

3 – Qualified and validated connection supported with data sheet:
all required parameters, such as pull force, compression rate, contact resistance, are reached by computer simulation and laboratory studies using a certain splice band.

Standard process vs. Technology of splice crimping with P-splice band

Standard process vs. Technology of splice crimping with P-splice band

P-type splice band provides a method of connection of an enameled magnet wire directly to wire or component.

Standard process – soldering and spot welding Technology with P-type splice band
1. Stripping / burning insulation from the wire ends,
2. Soldering (welding) to wire or component.
1. Splice crimping of an unstripped magnet wire directly to wire or component.
hard controlled process,
– soldering puts components at risk of melting or burning and makes them breakable,
– it can be difficult to solder near plastic parts.
saving cycle time,
saving cost,
controlled process,
without heating,
easily scaled for different production volumes,
– no pre-stripping of insulation.


P-splice band profile

Piercing serrations, penetrating varnish insulation used on copper and aluminium magnet wires:


P-splice band materials

SM Contact offers P-type splice band mostly in LA, also in CN.

(Copper Nickel)
Ty­pi­cal app­li­ca­ti­ons Standard applications Perfect corrosion resistance.
Com­po­si­ti­on Brass CuZn30 CuNi9Sn2
Re­sis­tan­ce (K coeff.) 3.55 8.5
Tem­pe­ra­tu­re ran­ge -80..+120°C -80..+400°C



Advantages of using P-type splice band by SM Contact with SM Crimp equipment:

1 – Zero tooling damage risk:
splice band characteristics are considered for connection qualification and machine settings.

2 – Optimal connection properties:
required parameters specified in the data sheet are reached by using a certain splice band – produced by SM Contact. Third-party splice band may not allow achieving these characteristics.

Please contact our Project Team for details: smcontact@smcontact.eu, +34 919490803

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