

SM Contact engineers determine precise connection parameters and its improvement options depending on the type of application, connector or component materials, and working environment.

  • Measurement: components’ quantity, dimension, material, etc.
  • Computer simulation: special software processes measurements and loads data and builds a dynamic model of all the strains and deformations.
  • Laboratory study: samples are examined for compliance with industry and individual norms.
  • Datasheet: final samples are accompanied with an engineering datasheet, describing recommended connection parameters.

What materials combinations cause bimetallic galvanic corrosion? How components positioning affects electrical resistance? What is the cross-dependence of temperature resistance and components material?


Profound study and 30 year experience allows SM Contact specialists to adapt equipment and tooling to Customer’s application. The following parameters are specified: tooling dimensions and shape, splice band features if applicable, equipment type, its automation level, speed, special options and quality control devices.

  • Projects database: comperehensive tooling parameters for hundreds of former realized connections.
  • Computer simulation: special software processes measurements and loads data and builds a dynamic model of all the strains and stresses.
  • Datasheet: final sample are accompanied with an engineering datasheet, describing recommended tooling parameters.

Our ace of trumps – more than 1000 tooling sets database. We look for similar cases, involve engineering thought, common sense and that’s it.


SM Contact maintenance offer implies remote tracking of the machine status and connection quality. When the time for planned maintenance comes or in case of negative performance report, the alarm notification is sent to SM Contact engineers and timely service is provided.

  • Machine status: automatic maintenance data transfer to SM Cloud storage.
  • Connection quality: automatic data transfer from quality control devices to SM Cloud.
  • Documents online: all relevant datasheets, manuals and software updates are kept in the Customer’s private area of SM Cloud.
  • Annual connections requalification and machine calibration.
  • Hotline assistance.

E.g.: The punch of SM Crimp was changed after 300 000 crimps. CPk deviation is out of tolerances. SM Contact gets an alarm signal, analyses tolerance dynamics and sends recommendations to the customer: “Recommended punch change frequency: each 250 000 crimps”.


SM Contact offers not only the equipment itself, but also seminars on current quality standards, connections testing algorithms and the principles of quality control devices operation.

  • Seminars
  • Workshops
  • Training

In 2016 we held first Splice Crimping Seminar for around 100 customers and partners, presenting splicing tips, connection qualification principles, and pitfalls of equipment and tooling adjustment.


IEC 60352-2 international standard
07 Oct
Useful tips from Splice Crimping Seminar: IEC 60352-2 international standard as a gate for exotic splices

In the previous “Useful tips” we investigated widely applied industrial crimp norms and arrived at the conclusion that they do not concern exotic materials (aluminum, steel, fiber, etc.) and components (e.g. battery tab, PCB, sensor). So, how to evaluate your such-like connection? For these cases there is a help of IEC 60352-2 norms giving test schedules and techniques for crimp connections.